A recent study by American Academy of Pediatrics shows that reading books with a child beginning in early infancy has lasting impact on child’s language, literacy, reading skills and thinking.

The research goes on to show that specific areas of the brain related to language development are activated when young children have reading exposure at home from an early age.

Additional Research shows that whatever you read to them, the information gets registered in their brains and they start using them when they grow up. They are like little statisticians who take note of every observations.

We as parents, it is our responsibility to expose young children to reading. There has never been an better time on Juvenile literature than now.

Read aloud to toddlers and infant – they may not respond at the beginning, but it sure instills love of reading in your child’s mind even though they cannot express right away.

A word about a good routine..Research shows that having a routine is best for your children. We recommend reading to your children at least 20 minutes as a bedtime routine.

Board books and picture books are great start to get your little ones interested in reading. Here’s a sneak peek of what we have in our store for you.

It may feel like they are not paying attention at the beginning. But do not give up. As you read more, they become interested in the activity. In fact, they will come after you asking you to read more books for them.

READ EARLY and READ OFTEN. After all, as Dr. Seuss would say “The more that you read, the more you will know, the more that you know, the more places you will go”!

Let’s make reading fun for our children and make them life-long readers!